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Hot Springs in the Suban Waterfall Area

Hot Springs in the Suban Waterfall Area

Bengkulu city is known to have a lot of natural attractions that are very beautiful and interesting. One of them is Suban Waterfall which is located in Penantian Village, Pasemah Air Keruh District, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu. 

Suban Waterfall Tourism Object has 2 waterfalls with different heights. Because it is in the Suban Air Panas area, the first waterfall is near the entrance while the second waterfall is in the Suban Hot Air bath.

The first waterfall has a height of 50 meters, while the second waterfall has a height of 15 meters. However, the waterfall that is the most crowded or frequently visited by tourists is a waterfall with a height of 15 meters located in the Suban Hot Water bath, where this waterfall is used to fill the bathing pool below.

Sealin has two waterfalls, Suban Waterfall is also included in the Cawang Nature Reserve area which according to widespread news here is often found Rafflesia flowers that grow and bloom, so they must be preserved so that they are not touched by ignorant human hands. 

It must be admitted that Suban Waterfall is very beautiful, especially coupled with the hot water bath which can be an added value. Unfortunately, maintenance for this tourist location is still very lacking so that its potential cannot be maximized.

If you want to go to this tourist attraction, then you can depart from the capital of Curup Regency by traveling as far as 6 km or 15 minutes of travel time. However, for those of you who depart from the city of Bengkulu then you have to cover a distance of approximately 90 Km or approximately 2 hours of travel time. 

You can go to the location of Suban Waterfall using a 2-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle because it is located on the edge of the Curup-Lubuk Linggau highway and Curup Head Village so it is not too difficult for motorists.

Inside the Suban Waterfall tourist attraction, there is a large enough parking lot making it easier for you to park your vehicle. From the parking lot, you can walk to the entrance. 

Before approaching the entrance, you will be presented with a very beautiful view of the first waterfall with a height of 50 meters because it is located near the entrance. After passing through the entrance, you will feel the cool air produced by the green plants in this tourist area.

Inside this waterfall, there is a hot spring that can refresh your body. If your stomach starts to get hungry, then you don't need to worry because in the bathing location there is also a canteen that sells various foods. 

If you come to Bengkulu, don't forget to visit Suban Waterfall with your beloved family so that the atmosphere becomes more cheerful and fun.